Norbert Servos
Lecturer for History of Dance
Norbert Servos, born in 1956 in Germany near Cologne, was a co-founder of the magazine "Ballett international" and for seven years a member of the editorial board. Within this time the magazine was developed to the leading dance magazine in Europe. Since 1983 he is working as a freelance choreographer and writer and published 15 books on Pina Bausch and the developement of German Dance Theater as well as poetry. He choreographed more than 20 dance pieces in Germany and abroad which were invited to international dance festivals. Besides his choreographic work he is a guest teacher and lecturer for contemporary dance and choreography. In 1993 he founded DanceLab Berlin at the Academy of Arts. For DanceLab he created numerous pieces, among others the prize winning dance film “Elements of Mine” (2004) for Arte/NDR with dancers Jorge Morro and Nicola Mascia and together with Jorge Morro the dance theater piece “Drink, Smoke - Made In Havana” (2004), a coproduction with DanzAbierta Cuba. At the end of 2005 he published “Schritte verfolgen - Die Tänzerin und Choreographin Susanne Linke”, in 2008 “Solange man unterwegs ist - Die Tänzerin und Choreographin Reinhild Hoffmann” and in 2012 “Pina Bausch - Dance Theatre”, all at K. Kieser Verlag, Munich. In 2010 he directed together with Eva-Maria Lerchenberg-Thöny the international dance festival “Tanzwelten” in Braunschweig, where he also premiered the dance theatre production “Valbarena” together with co-choreographer Jorge Morro for the states theatre. In August 2014 he premiered the double evening “inTWO SOLOS” at Noorderzon International Performing Arts Festival in Groningen/Netherlands together with choreographer Jorge Morro. For more than 30 years he was a personal associate of Pina Bausch.
Norbert Servos is one of the important pioneers of contemporary dance in Germany and an international renown specialist on dance theatre with worldwide publications.