Dance Audition in Berlin
To be admitted to our dance program, you need to attend one of the dance auditions at our Dance Academy.
Please make sure you have read the entry requirements for the program before applying.
In case you wish to apply per Video audition please scroll down for further information.
Dance Audition procedure
At our dance auditions you will participate in a ballet and modern/contemporary training (2x 90 minutes) of the dance training classes.
This way we can evaluate your technical knowledge and your ability to implement corrections.
It gives you the opportunity to get to know the atmosphere at our dance school better and to talk to the dance students personally.
If you don’t have the possibilty to join us on a friday, we also offer an audition date on a saturday. Here you will also take a training in ballet and contemporary dance.
Afterwards, you will present a one to two minute solo that best showcases your natural movement qualities. Your solo should have been worked out independently by you, but can also include elements from combinations learned in a dance class.
Please wear tight-fitting dance clothes so that your body is clearly visible for us.
Following the practical part of the dance audition, there will be a group information about our dance education, where you can ask any questions that are on your mind.
After that, we will have a short one-on-one meeting with you so that we can get to know each other better personally.
At what time the audition ends exactly we can not predict 100%, because this always depends on the number of auditioners and the length of the individual interviews.

2025 Dates
Friday, March 7, 2025, 10:00 AM
Friday, April 4, 2025, 10:00 AM
Friday, May 9, 2025, 10:00 AM
Saturday, June 14, 2025, 12:00 PM
Please choose your favorite dance audition date and register one week before the audition at the the latest. In case you can’t make it to any of the dates, please contact us or send us your Videoaudition (for more info please scroll down).
Friday, March 3rd, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (Class audition with first year students of the dance education)
Friday, April 4th, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (Class audition with first year students of the dance education)
Friday, May 9th, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. (Class audition with first year students of the dance education)
Saturday, June 14th 2025 at 12:00 p.m.
Audition Fee
The audition fee of 30,- Euro is to be transferred to the bank account of the Academy. Please write your name and audition date on the intended purpose and note that the fee is not refundable. You will then receive your invitation to audition.
Account holder: Tanzakademie balance 1
Bank: Berliner Volksbank
IBAN: DE04 1009 0000 2347 0980 03
You will be informed about the outcome of your audition about a week later by Email.
Please understand that a potential refusal will not be justified by us. It represents neither a personal evaluation nor a general statement about your suitability for a professional dance education.
Video auditions for the training program are accepted.

In case you cannot make it in person to a live audition you can send us a video audition for the contemporary dance education program in Berlin.
Please introduce yourself shortly at the beginning of the video and tell us something about yourself, because we are very curious about getting to know your personality and why you would like to attend the dance education program.
What are your previous dance experiences? How long have you been dancing? What are your favorite dance styles? Are you open-minded enough to get involved with different dance styles? Do you think you are obsessive enough to keep up an exhausting dance training? Why would you like to become a professional dancer? Do you already have any ideas about the direction you would like to go with dance later on?
After we would like to get an impression of your technical skills.
Please wear tight dance wear and make sure, that your whole body is visible for us during the whole time.
It is sufficient to show the sequences at the barre and the center work from one side only.
If you don’t have a dance studio available, try clearing a room and using a chair as your ballet barre. Do the jumps possibly staying on the same spot.
Just use smaller steps in your choreography. Nevertheless try to bring in full power dancing on a smaller area, as if you could fully dance out your solo in the dance studio. Even if it feels weird to you, we are still able to judge your work well.
It would be nice if the video doesn’t shake so we can see you well. The whole length of your video should not exceed 10 minutes.
Timing Guideline
Personal introduction ca. 1-2 minutes
Barre work approx. 3 minutes: pliés, tendus, adagio, grand battements
Center approx. 3 minutes: Pirouettes en dehors and en dedans, small jumps, assemblés, jetés
Solo approx. 2 minutes: you may choose the style which you feel represents you the best
Upload video audition
You can load up your video in the internet such as on YouTube or Vimeo and send us the appropriate link (with opening code in case it is not public) to open it along with your registration. It is also possible to send the application by Email if you want to send your Video via WeTransfer . In that case please send along your dates with your name, birthday, where you live and contact possibilies. We expect your video at the latest on June 13th, 2025.
You will receive your feedback about a week later.
Your video audition can save you traveling costs, long journeys and overnight stays.
Reflection period and personal visit
If you have been accepted, you will be given a reflection period to decide whether you would like to start the training at our academy. You can always contact us for all further arising questions. You will also have the opportunity to visit us again in person to get to know the atmosphere at our academy even better. Regardless of whether you have auditioned in person or sent us a video audition.
You need to decide whether you can imagine moving to Berlin for your dance education. Berlin is a very big and exciting city that attracts many people, but it is not the right choice for everyone. And also whether you have found the right academy where you will spend a lot of time over the next three years.
Please understand that we only offer the personal visits after you have auditioned and been accepted at our academy and not before. In our opinion, it is unreasonable for the dancers in the training classes to have external people watching their classes too often. It simply brings too much agitation into the class, where highest levels of concentration are required.
We therefore offer separate open days for people who wish to to get to know us beforehand.